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  • 联 系 人:杜培其
  • 联系电话:139****8621;
  • 联系地址:清河县王官庄镇杜村工业区 [查看地图]
当前位置: 清河县曙光软轴厂 > 机构简介



曙光软轴厂把“以顾客为中心,实现顾客零抱怨。以体系作保证,追求产品零缺陷。”作为经营理念,形成了一个稳定可靠的客户群体,在为客户提供优质产品和优良服务的同时,也促进了自身的发展提高。 竭诚欢迎各界朋友光临指导,洽谈业务,共同发展!

Shuguang Flexible Shaft plant was built in 1985, is specializing in the production of motor vehicles, medical, architectural, mechanical assembly soft enterprises and filled gaps in Hebei Province, the Provincial Science and Technology Commission for funding support. Existing Senior Engineer 3, the technical staff eight, employees 116 people, fixed assets 6000000.

Main products are: the soft-core variety, wire rope, hose, Soft-shaft assembly, manipulation of soft-warming breeze, manipulating cables, pushing cable car multifunctional hand brake. Also, I plant also has special research institutes, to contract the various standards of different types of special orders and the exercise of product development, design, Preparation, production, testing, and so on.

For customers with quality products and excellent services, but it also promoted its own development increased. Friends wholeheartedly welcome presence guidance, negotiate business, and common development!